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Selection varies.
Please call ahead if you are interested in specific fish.


Angel Fish
Variety of sizes

African Cichlids

African Cichlids

Bala shark

Balloon Belly Mollies
Many colors and patterns!

Betta Fish
Always in stock!

Black-Finned Sharks

Cardinal Tetras
Always in stock!

Dragon Fish

Blood Parrot Cichlid

Fantail Goldfish
Always in stock!

Fiddler Crabs
Both males and females make cute, interesting additions to your aquarium! (male shown in photo)

Fire Eels
A little shy but they make up for it in personality!


Frontosa (African Cichlid)

Glo Tetras

Jack Dempsey

Koi Fish
Sizes vary

Freshwater Lobsters

Lyre-Tail Mollies
Mollies always in stock!

Red Wag Platys
We offer a wide variety of platys in many color variations!

Large Parrot Cichlids

Small Parrot Cichlids

Bosemani and Turquoise Rainbowfish

Rainbow Shark

Red Tail Black Shark

Rope Fish

Roseline Shark

Sailfin Molly
Saltwater - Discontinued.
For nearly 40 years we were the regional leader in saltwater aquariums. However, we have discontinued all saltwater fish and reef aquariums.
Look down memory lane and contact us for a referral.

Cow Fish

Majestic Angel / Powder Blue Tang

Yellow Tang / Copperband Butterfly

Tiger Sand Conch

Orange Spot Filefish

Shaving Brush Plant
Two cleaner shrimp are grooming the algae from this plant.
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